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The 2nd Amendment includes the Militia.
In the Spotlight

The People Are The Militia

The Second Amendment Public opinion splits The Second Amendment in two; you are either for or against individual gun rights. You either think the Second Amendments grants you, as an individual, certain gun rights or [...]

1st Steps

Its important to wear eye protection when shooting

Protecting Your Eyes

1st Steps
Protecting Your Eyes Every year, approximately 1,000,000 people suffer serious eye injuries. Approximately 30,000 are considered firearms-related. Mechanical malfunctions with your firearm, flying debris, or ricochets can change your life forever. You should protect your [...]
You must protect your hearing.

Hearing Loss Is Permanent

1st Steps
Protect Your Hearing! Our hearing is one of those things we take for granted until we lose it. Once we lose it, it’s lost forever. Hearing loss tends to be a gradual process over an [...]

Facebook feed

7 years ago
Photos from Live Free Armory's post

The Live Free Armory Special Projects Section has been at it again. They are playing around with a distressed, been through hell, type paint scheme. Think of the possibilities...distraught purple, ... See more

7 years ago
A Review of Ryan Cleckner Long Range Shooting Handbook

Check out Live Free Insider's book review on long range distance shooting. If you don't have this book, you should!

The Long Range Shooting Handbook is an excellent resource for new or veteran shooters.

7 years ago
Is the 6.5 Creedmoor replacing the .308 Winchester?

Check out our latest blog post on the 6.5 Creedmoor. Is it really that much better than the .308 Winchester? See if you agree with what our blogger has to say. #creedmoor, #6mm, #308Winchester, ... See more

The 6.5 Creedmoor has only been around since 2007. As its popularity continues to rise, will it replace the .308 Winchester?

7 years ago

Congrats again to Mathew Aubrey, Joshua D. Guiles, Patrick Thompson, and John Christian for winning our recent surprise reveal contest. Your Live Free Armory t-shirts are being shipped today.

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